
Castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3
Castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3

castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3

Easy-Mode Mockery: The game ends at the 3rd level.Large sections of each level are omitted, and also.

castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3

Easier Than Easy: The easiest difficulty level, aptly named "Practice", is essentially a heavily abridged version of the full game.Mizrabel, as the narrator explains, had the wisdom to know when she was defeated, and also to know the reason why that was so, and it's because she recognized that Mickey and Minnie had a magic even greater than her own: The Power of Love. The remake has Mizrabel give Mickey and Minnie their own brooms to escape the falling castle, and it also adds a reason as to why Defeat Means Friendship: it turns out it's a case of Know When to Fold 'Em.In the Genesis version, when Mickey ends up defeating the evil witch and preventing her from stealing Minnie's youth, she actually takes them both back home.Defeat Equals Explosion: This happens to each of the bosses upon their defeat in the Genesis version but is subsequently averted in the remake.Darker and Edgier: While not completely dark, the remake has a more ominous feel to it and many of the enemies and bosses are redesigned so that they look less cartoonish.Damsel in Distress: The main objective of the game is to rescue Minnie Mouse.Clock Tower: The fifth level of the Master System game, part of the fifth level in the Genesis version and also a level in the HD remake.Cheated Angle: In the HD remake, you can actually see Mickey's ears moving in impossible ways, purely for the sake of keeping that iconic look of his head known from animated shorts and comics.The Cameo: In the remake, Pluto, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Chip, Dale and Pete can be seen watching the events of the game as a movie alongside Mickey and Minnie, most likely intended as a nod to the post-credits scene of the Genesis version.Calling Your Attacks: The Mizrabel battle in the remake.Broken Bridge: In the remake, you won't be allowed to enter each level until you have collected enough diamonds.Boss-Only Level: The third stage of each level in the remake.In the Master System version, the final level takes place inside the heart of the castle, where Mickey must go through several platforming segments before facing off against a dragon and Mizrabel herself. Each door Mickey enters leads to a new level, and in the Genesis version, the final battle against Mizrabel takes place in the castle's turret. Big Fancy Castle: The hub of this game takes place inside the titular Castle of Illusion.Thankfully, you don't need to retrace the level when you pick up the key, the platforms turn into ramps and you slide down all the way back to the exit. Backtracking: In one of the sections in the Toyland level in the Genesis version, the door to exit is at the beginning of the level, but you need to climb all the way to the top to find the key.

castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3

The latter even features a moment where Mickey must let the auto-scrolling catch up with him to push him through a narrow passageway. Auto-Scrolling Level: The Master System version has two: the first section of the cakes and sweets level, and the second section of Mizrabel's castle.Asteroids Monster: The letter A's from the Master System version split into three smaller versions when attacked.

castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3

  • Anthropomorphic Shift: In the original, Mizrabel's true form is a mouse person like Mickey and Minnie.
  • The costumes are an explorer's outfit that is unlocked by finding all the chili peppers, a magician's outfit unlocked by finding all the playing cards, and a knight's suit of armor that is unlocked by defeating Mizrabel.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: The remake features three unlockable costumes for Mickey to wear.
  • All There in the Manual: In the remake, collecting each of the two statue pieces per world unlocks a statue of the world's boss, along with a bio explaining their personality and/or why they have one of the Rainbow Gems in their possession.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The remake has much more emphasis on storytelling.
  • The remake limits these to the Echanted Forest, Toyland and the Castle respectively, while adding golden orbs and sweets to the Storm and Library levels.
  • Abnormal Ammo: The Genesis game gives you apples, marbles, and candles to throw at your foes.

  • Castle of illusion starring mickey mouse ps3