
Just cause 2 mods com
Just cause 2 mods com

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“We don’t have any schedules or design plans that we have to stick to. The article speculates that such caps are in place because of political and economic realities behind producing a modern AAA title which must run on consoles and PCs both.

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Even Grand Theft Auto IV, which unlike its predecessors does have a multiplayer mode, is capped at only 32 players for the PC version. The Red Bull article is quick to point out that while many MMORPG-type games have player caps far exceeding 1,800, there are no sandboxes or shooters with limits even approaching that.

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The mod isn't a persistant, sharded universe like World of Warcraft, but rather more like the individual worlds of Minecraft servers-each server is its own isolated instance of the island of Panau. The multiplayer mod, running on a single server, can host an amazing 1,800 players at once, a limit which mod creator Foote says doesn't appear to be stressing the server hardware at all, and the way seems to be clear for the single-server player count to be pushed even higher. However, the Just Cause 2 engine is accessible enough that a concerted reverse-engineering effort by one small indie group of five programmers over several months resulted in a playable mod which this weekend is undergoing another of its periodic open public beta tests.Īnd what a public test it is. Much like Grand Theft Auto 3 and its derivatives, this kind of open world screams for a multiplayer mode so you can enjoy it with friends, and much like Grand Theft Auto 3, the games' developers haven't provided one. The game provides an engaging (and often hilarious) single player experience wherein the player, in the role of one-liner slinging, grappling-hook-equipped, secret agent Rico Rodriguez, takes on a series of missions from various sources and blow lots and lots of things up. The UK's Red Bull site has an interview up with the indie gaming creators of an unsupported but awesomely functional multiplayer modification for Just Cause 2, the sandbox game which lets players run and drive and fly and swim around the huge (and hugely detailed) fictional island of Panau.

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